Ambu® Man Advanced - Next Generation

The specialist in airway management: for training in both endotracheal intubation and alternative techniques like laryngeal mask or laryngeal tube.

General information

The AmbuMan Advanced is Ambus latest training manikin generation, which is made to fulfil all the needs of Advanced Life Support (ALS) -Training.

The focus of the manikins is on the algorithm: Airway Management, ECG simulation, defibrillation and the training of i.v. and i.o. access techniques.

The core is the AmbuMan with the latest, integrated Ambu Wireless Technology. The browser-based Ambu Manikin Management Module allows the wireless control, documen-tation and monitoring of the performance of the trainees.

The Ambu Manikin Management Module is the central interface, where all data and information come together: compression depth, right hand position, ventilation volume, stomach inflation. Using AmbuMan Advanced, you can create custom scenarios and adapt them perfectly to different course concepts. The AmbuMan Advanced is the ALS training manikin for professionals.

Customised scenario training

The AmbuMan Advanced offers new possibilities for imple-mentation of course concepts in accordance to the demand of instructors and the current ERC / AHA guidelines, especially the 2015 guidelines. Your creativity has no limits. The intuitive user interface allows a creation of custom scenarios quick and easy. These can manually be adjusted during the training, depending on the training situation. The CPR parameters and manual events are documented wirelessly and included into the evaluation and debriefing.

New level of debriefing

Individual trainee evaluation in group training for more efficient training. Each participant receives his personal results (up to four participants).

    Spare parts

    We offer 49 Spare parts for this product


    Ambu Manikin Management Module


    file_download Ambu® Man Advanced - Next Generation Datasheet
    (786.19 KB - pdf)

    Supplementary Information

    file_download Reach document for Training Manikins
    (229.86 KB - pdf)
    file_download Symbol Explanation
    (2.31 MB - pdf)

    May 2018
