Single use

Ambu® Neuroline 700

Ambu® Neuroline 700 is a conductive, self adhesive electrode with a special "duck foot" design, which ensures that the electrode stays in place even if the lead wire is pulled.

It is easily repositioned, enabling technicians to locate the best recording site without leaving messy gel deposits to be wiped off.

Suitable applications

Neurophysiological examinations of muscles and/or nerves.

Clinical Studies


clinical study is available for this product

View clinical study

Spare parts

There are no spare parts or accessories for this product.



file_download Ambu® Neuroline 700 Datasheet
(873.7 KB - pdf)

Instructions For Use

file_download IFU Ambu® Neuroline
(1.66 MB - pdf)

Supplementary Information

file_download Reach document for Medical Devices
(292.55 KB - pdf)
file_download Symbol Explanation
(2.31 MB - pdf)

TGA Certificates

file_download ARTG 167606 Neuro Surface electrodes
(145.29 KB - pdf)
